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At Strategic Formwork our objective is to be “A JUMP AHEAD OF THE REST” through our excellence in jumpform design, fabrication, versatility, safety and speed of reaction via a comprehensive benchmark service and to provide a rewarding inhouse environment.



  • Our vision is to be the leading supplier of bespoke self-climbing jumpform systems, by striving to continuously improve the quality and scope of our jumpform products and services.

  • To give our Clients the best possible advice to their core construction challenges, whilst being realistic and honest with our recommendations.

  • We aim to build solid, long lasting and trusting relationships with our Clients, by acting professionally with integrity, honesty and reliability.

  • We wish to be differentiated by our continual and exceptional service from initial conceptual plans and methodology, to the removal from site of our final component.

  • We aim for a zero harm working environment, where all participants are respected equally.



  • To be honest and reliable to our Clients, suppliers and staff,

  • To act professionally with integrity, honesty and reliability at all times,

  • To continually learn from our experiences:-

    • to push the boundaries of our capabilities without compromising the structural integrity of our products or the permanent structures created by them,

    • to continually improve the methodology of what and how we supply our goods & services to improve the safety and well-being of all the participants involved in providing our goods and services,

  • To create a safe, fair and non-discriminating workplace,

  • To listen.

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